Tips To Improve Local SEO

There are many questions raised by most of when it comes to local SEO. As we are growing and connecting the people around the world, there comes up the question of local business. The current situation is like, its good to be globally recognized but local presence simultaneously holds the same importance even today.
Ranking local will not only be the stepping stones of your business but it also gives you a steady place between your competitor in the locals. Also due to Google’s trending keyword “near me” has changed the whole picture of the local business in the search engines. We will discuss the simple and impactful to your local business in terms of search engine optimization and branding.

1. Get Listing to Google Business

– For anything, people prefer search engines for any queries regarding anything. So it becomes important for every business to get their work online. Google provides business listing which provided the information in a well-defined way to the customers.

2. Google Maps

– Add the Google maps into your website which redirects to the maps app once clicked on the map. This gives the convenience to the user not searching for the address separately on the maps.

3. Multi-Location

– There are situations where your business has widespread along with multiple locations. Instead of targeting all the locations under on website try separating them. This will create the uniqueness of different locations and also help to rank well in those specific areas.

4. Optimize Business Profile

– Try to complete your business profile as much as possible. This will help new users to know about the services and products which are offered. Optimizing the profiles on regular intervals will help the user to keep updated about offers and deals too.

5. Google Virtual Tour

– Virtual tours attract users more towards the business. As it allows people to view your shops, restaurants, gallery, etc. in the actual way they are instead of imaging them.

6. Mobile Optimized Sites

– According to stats “Nearly 80% of internet usage is expected to have been mobile in 2018”. Mobile optimized websites load faster and are also responsive which fits in any device size.

7. Social Media

– For local business social media plays a vital role. Via social media, users can be updated on the current discounts, offers, deals, announcements, etc. Also, people react to the services and products through social media, where it can be utilized as organic marketing.

8. Local Listing

– Get listed in the local listing websites for that specific area and location. This will help the brand to grow locally and also increase the number of backlinks.

9. High-Quality Links

– Build and generate the high quality of the backlinks to the website. This will help the site to rank high on the search engines. Make sure that the generated links should be relevant and from high authority websites.

10. Customer Reviews

– Reviews from the customer play the most important role in the local business in terms of SEO. Types of reviews affect the ranking in the search engines, more positive review, users prefer going for those products or services rather than large negative reviews.

11. Reputation Management

– There are certain times when a business faces some difficulties and gain negative reviews. That time it becomes important to manage the reputation of the site. This is the time when reputation becomes mandatory.

Importance Of Web Designing In SEO

There are a lot of naysayers that don’t understand the link between a Web Designing and SEO process. While these two may seem complimentary to each other they need to work hand in hand if your business is to succeed. It is no longer about “if you build it they will come”, it is actually more on the lines of “if you build it well, they will come”. Here our take why website design is very important for your websites to search engine optimization.

5 Reasons Web Design is important for your business

1. Better Web Design More Visitors
Your website design will depend on the customers you would like to attract to it. For the younger generation a simple website without a lot of bells and whistles won’t be suitable while if you add too many “new age” features in your website and your customers are from an older generation they might not enjoy it as much. Now if you wonder what does SEO have to do with this remember that a lot of your SEO ranking has to do with the customers you can attract to your website and how long they stay on your website before moving on.

2. Site Speed
Another important aspect of SEO is how fast you‘re able to provide the required information to your customer. The quicker they receive the information they more they’re willing to stay on your website. Not only does the speed on your website matter for technical SEO, the speed at which the user can locate all the relevant information while on your website is another important aspect of how loyal of a consumer he becomes. Site speed itself is an important parameter that Google judges in ranking your website in its search.

3. Navigational Ease
Another important factor that could decide your website SEO is the ease with which users can find the information they’re looking for. I touched on it briefly in the last point and while they may seem contradictory to one another, how fast your potential customer can find the information he’s looking for can go a long way in ensuring that he keeps coming back to your website anytime he has any trouble with your particular skill set and needs answers. You’ll be steadily increasing your brand loyalist and reducing your dependency on paid ads to grow your fan base.

4. Professionalism
Another reasons companies rely on trusty web design companies in Pune for their requirements is because a well-designed website gives an air of professionalism to their brand. According to research, a customer is more likely to choose a business based on the quality of their website. A higher quality website gives an assurance to the customer that the business is to be trusted and they can do business with them.

5. Changes With Time
As with most things your customer preferences will change over time. As your audience matures so will their choices. If you are planning to grow with the company, it then becomes imperative to be able to change as per their needs. While the keywords you target will most likely not change you can always aesthetically revamp your website to continue to make it more attractive to your prospective customers.

Don’t let people tell you that web design and SEO are not linked because as we’ve discussed it above they very clearly are. If you are looking to build a new website for your organization or overhaul your existing website to match the needs of your current customers, you’ll need the services of a professional web design company in Pune that knows their way around both SEO and Web Design. If you‘d like to know more about how we can help you change your website to get more customers, get in touch with us today.

Improving Your Brand Presence Using SEO and PPC Combined

SEO and PPC, when used together, are far more powerful than when you use either in isolation. Many digital marketing agencies sell them as different services when in reality they provide the best results when applied simultaneously. Today we will look at 7 ways in which you can improve your brand presence using SEO and PPC together.

How To Improve Your Brand Presence By Combining SEO and SEM

SEO and SEM both rely heavily on good keyword research based on your customer requirements. They are often complementary and are the sum of a whole – SEARCH. Here are a few strategies to use them together for a better brand visibility.

1. Sharing Keyword Research
As previously mentioned, the common denominator for SEO and SEM, search. Search relies heavily on your keyword research. To optimise your effort and reduce duplication your best bet would be to use the same keyword research in both SEO and PPC. In whatever campaigns you run find out what SEM keywords give you the highest clicks and optimise your content for the same keywords.

2. Using Site Search Data
Another fascinating source that most websites overlook is their own search bar. Many websites have enabled search on their website but rarely use the data. The search data your prospective customers are using on your website are the products and services their most interested in. Use those keywords in your SEM campaign and see a drastic boost to your clicks and leads generated.

3. Improved Visibility
The higher you are on the search rankings the more likely it is you will get a majority of the clicks. Imagine being so dominant in SEO and PPC that your website is top of both lists. Not only will you receive a majority of the clicks but the customers will also admire the tenacity with which you are dominating your field. They will definitely see you as a leader in your industry.

4. Shape Your Content Strategy
It’s no secret that search engine marketing can get expensive. When you have enough data from your pay-per-click campaigns you have a clear idea about what your most promising keywords are. The keywords that get the clicks. You should base your content strategy on the keywords that give you the most clicks in SEM. Use the keywords to create Page SEO Titles, SEO Descriptions, and Headlines. You can also use variations of their keywords in your long-form content for higher visibility in search.

5. Test Keywords Immediately
You can tweak the above concept to find out if a keyword will give you results or not. Instead of wasting your time forming a content strategy on a keyword you’re not sure will work, use it in a PPC ad first. See how the public responds to the keywords and its alternatives. You have almost immediate feedback on your choice of keywords and can decide whether to go ahead with it or not.

6. Use These Tools To Re-market
Sometimes it so happens that your page is ranking well for certain keywords and also getting clicks. But the leads do not convert to customers. Sometimes prospective buyers need a little push in the right direction which is why targeting them with an ad with a small discount on the particular product they were looking for can lead to better sales. Monitor their movement on your site and see what products they were interested in. Re-market and Voila, you have just converted better than you ever did using only one technique by itself.

7. Improve Your Brands Image
Chances are from time to time your brand might be embroiled in some negative news. You might rank for some negative keywords which will harm your business. Instead, run an ad that links to a blog post that shows people how you’re actively working towards making the situation better. Instead of receiving bad publicity you can use the keywords to put your brand in a positive light.

Next time you‘re meeting with a digital marketing agency ask them how they plan to combine PPC and SEO strategies to give your impressive and efficient results. While they sell SEM and SEO as separate services they are most effective when used together. If you‘re looking for a digital marketing company practiced in using these strategies and more to give you the best results, please get it touch today!

Top Ranking Signals to Pay Attention In 2019

With Google changing its search algorithm so regularly we seem to have new ranking signal champions to root for every year. In 2014, it was site security (https), 2015 had your websites mobile responsive status, and 2016 shifted to more content driven ranking signals with Rank Brain. But what about 2019? What ranking signals should you focus on if you want to win at SEO and get your website to the top of Google search?

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Keyword Research Mistakes You Might Be Making

Keyword Research is a very underappreciated tool in the SEO’s arsenal. Most people assume that they would know right from the start what keywords they should target. I had the same impression too early on in my career. I hardly did any keyword research because I always assumed the keywords to be obvious. It’s only when I started taking keyword research seriously did I see my folly. Here are keyword research mistakes you too might be making.

Keyword Research Mistakes You’re Probably Making

1. Being Unrealistic

When you have your client breathing down your neck to show the results it becomes difficult to focus on the right objectives. You set the bar too high too soon and your client leaves feeling disappointed not reaching the targets you set for them. I’ve learnt this the hard way.

Now I’d rather focus on a few long tail keywords rather than try and capture the really difficult keywords that I’m not sure I can rank for. With more realistic targets I can focus on the quality of my content rather than trying to squeeze every last drop out of one really competitive keyword.

2. Look At Search Volumes For Exact Match Keywords

When performing research for your keywords you’re probably looking at the search volumes for the broad match keyword. While this may work for a while you won’t really know the effectiveness of the keywords you’re targetting unless you do a search volume for exact match keywords.

While eventually, the keyword you target will be worth targetting no doubt, however knowing the exact match volumes will help you set more realistic targets.

3. Ignoring Your Conversion Ratios

Let’s be honest, we’re not in business for our health. We want to make money. Targetting keyword for the sake of ranking isn’t enough. You need to be able to convert. Conversion is by far one of the most important factors you should consider when doing your keyword research.

For instance, e-commerce websites should focus on an action-oriented keyword for better positioning as well as better conversion rates. Looking at search volumes for enquiry related keywords to action-oriented keywords could dissuade you but remember that conversions are also a factor.

4. Using Out Of Context Keywords In Your Research

While performing your research, you might know exactly what you mean. How Google’s AI is going to interpret that is another matter altogether. Due to the nature of language, a word could have multiple meanings and multiple interpretations.

For one, storage could mean a shelf, cupboard, or a locker. What were you thinking about when you typed storage into the keyword research tool? Being specific when doing your research will help you narrow down your keywords and you can focus your energy on them.

5. Timely Keyword Audit

Another common error I see a lot of SEO’s doing is, they don’t do a keyword audit. A keyword that was once popular needn’t be so in a few months time. Keep a tab on your keyword because like everything else they rise and fall.

An audit can also help you find additional content ideas for blogs and your social media pages. Even better is being able to update your old content with new keywords and increase the number of keywords in the blog so as to rank it better.


Avoiding these basic keyword research mistakes will take you a long way towards ranking better on the popular search engines. Keyword research takes a lot of work and effort and it isn’t as easy as some people believe. If you would like your website to grow, use the right techniques to improve. If you’re struggling you can always get in touch with CodePlateau Technologies Pvt Ltd and use their excellent digital marketing team for your problems.