Website Design and Content Marketing
Content Marketing is a digital marketing agency strategy to publish content relevant to your industry that your customers would enjoy reading. Content marketing is all about getting your customers to your website by publishing interesting information for them to peruse.
Website Design to put it simply is the look and feel of your website. The website design is all about getting the user experience to the top level. To ensure that the person browsing your website feels invited to explore it. Web Design is all about keeping your customers on your website.
Both Content Marketing and Web Design play an important role in the success or failure of your business. You may be publishing the best , most interesting content available in the market but if the web design is not correct it will matter very little. On the flip side, if you work only on the web design and don’t have anything interesting for your customers to come to, why would they visit your website?
CodePlateau the best Web Design Agency in Pune has compiled a list of ways in which web design impacts content marketing. Read the list below to check if you have similar problems on your site.
How Web Design Impacts Content Marketing
A website design decides how accessible the content will be for the users. Does the web design promote the content you are proud of? Is the content you want your customers to read easily accessible? Your customers should know intuitively where to go to find the content they are looking for. Don’t add unnecessary clicks to ruin the users experience. They will leave the site before you can say UX.
Much thought should be put into how the website will look with content on it. A blank website might look really good, but no as much with the content added to it. The colour scheme will also matter. Keep fresh web design ideas on your website and lure them with your content. You don’t want you site to look unprofessional. Pick the right colour tones can go a long way to ensure that the customer sticks to your website and enjoys the content.
The font you have selected, the size of the font displayed will all be significant in the web appearance. Using too many different fonts all across the website can disorient the user. Try and pick a font that’s easy to read with similar thought given to the font colour and size. Pick contrasting colours for the font and background making it clearer to read. What fonts do you normally prefer when it comes to readability? Let us know in the comments below.
Embed different types of content ideas into your web design. There will be some sites that are purely driven by text while others by photo and video. Don’t hesitate to mix it up. If your content is stage based why not make it a video instead? Use a series of photographs to explain what you mean. People can learn things with visual stimuli faster than they can otherwise. Make it a point to change things up a bit every now and then.
The point that needs to be driven is that you need to have a website that is user friendly and content friendly. You need to have content that is certainly user friendly. Content that is easy for the user to read and understand for the site to perform really well. It doesn’t hurt to create content that the users would love to share on their socials as well.
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