5 Mistakes to Avoid While Designing a Website

Website Designing is the most crucial part of the overall process of website development. During this process, the main perspective is to take care of the users and its overall effortless experience throughout the website. The main goal for any website designer is to lock up the user into the website and convert them to the customer. Also, from the designers’ point of view, it is also mandatory to fulfill the client’s expectations and also maintain the standards of the industry. This can be too much complicated in certain cases and end up losing users and revenue simultaneously.

Let’s take a look at the mistakes which need to be avoided during website designing.

1. Website Speed

– The website speed has become the most important factor for any site to sustain in the competition as well in to maintain its higher position in the search engines. Due to the availability of high speed of internet, people have lost their level of patience. Users can’t wait for more than 3 seconds to load the site. So, to generate the traffic and convert them into conversions it’s really important to maintain the quick loading speed of the website.

2. Navigation Bar

– Sometimes to make things stand out or to try out innovative ideas, designing may go wrong have negative effects instead of positive. That doesn’t mean trying new things should not be an option. Try to maintain the standards of every element. Like for navigation bars are placed ideally on the top or at the most right side. Placing them totally in a new place or making it invisible or hidden bars misguide the users. Elements which let the user struggle has comparatively fewer conversions.

3. Spacing

– If ever want to know the importance of the white or blank space ask any website designer. Blank or white space gives the room to the user to think and properly understand the site information. Also, this does not distract the user and concentrate only on one thing. Its always advisable to give the white spacing on the website on both sides.

4. Grammatical Mistakes

– Spelling mistakes can be counted into a minor one but the effect is major on the site. Website losses its credibility and the trust of the users due to grammatical spelling mistakes. Content is counted into the first impression and when it is bad, the user never returns to the website ever. This can cost you a huge amount when the users don’t return to your website.

5. Mobile-Friendly

– According to the statistics, 51.65% of the users were operating mobile devices for searching the queries. So if you want to get a number of traffic and the conversions you must have a mobile-friendly website.

We hope these tips would be useful while designing the website which could increase the revenue and the popularity of the site.

Design A Trustworthy E-commerce Website

An e-commerce website is said to good enough when any user lands on the site and complete the process of payment without any struggle. It’s a common scenario with the e-commerce website that the advertising is done well enough to attract and drive the audience to the website. But poor user experience or loss of professionalism, ruin all the efforts of the advertising. For any e-commerce website, there is no specific format or pattern which needs to be followed by everyone. But certainly, there are few elements which are mandatory to include within the website.

Follow the below tips which would help to improve the user experience of the e-commerce website.

  1. Think Like User – For any e-commerce website its important to think like a new user who had landed on the website first time ever. Keep all the navigations and products simple and easy to use. Let the offers and deals be highlighted on the first look or on the banners, so users don’t miss out and also attract them.


  1. Search Option – eCommerce website is huge collection of products which might be difficult for any user to find any specific product. Having the search bar on the site becomes the lifesaver for such customers. Also, it saves a lot of time and efforts user due to which its also in the preferred e-commerce website.


  1. Simple Design – Simple Design is the key to the e-commerce site, which gives the professional feel to the site. Complicated and too much content actually don’t give the user space to breath which ends up losing them.


  1. Checkout Cart – Everyone has observed the cart logo at the header section of any e-commerce website. This option keeps updated the user about the number of items in the cart. This is also calculated under one of the strategies for better user experience, as a user have not to cross-check about the number of items added.


  1. Quality Image – This is listed under the most important and mandatory point any eCommerce website should have. High-quality photos not only give the website a professional look but also helps in creating the trust for the user on the products and its quality.


  1. Review & Testimonials – It’s been preferred by many of the people nowadays to check the reviews first and then decide. It can be a movie, a new restaurant or any buying any online product. Having a section build up the trust of the users before buying it from old or even new website.


  1. Product Layout – Keep the display of the product simple with proper spacing. Too many products or too less in one area, loosen the interest of the customers and even might confuse them. Grid layout is the most preferred layout to be used by any e-commerce website.


  1. Quick Checkout – The checkout is the step when the user had finally sorted and decided to buy the products. Minimize the steps while moving towards the payment option. Also, don’t distract the user at the payment page with certain offers and deals, you might lose the customer there.


  1. Contact Information – There are multiple times when customer have a very small query and they search for the contact information. Providing the details helps the user to get connect instantly and also help to gain trust. Details can be contact number, location, working hours, etc.


  1. FAQ – Users have several questions which are most frequently asked. If unanswered the user may not buy the products from the site. Setting a FAQ section answers their simple and common questions. These clear the doubts instantly without even contact the support team.


Using these tips will surely help in improving the user experience in the overall website and increase the conversion rate. All these points are taken care of when the website is designed and developed by the professional company.

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Ecommerce Websites

E-Commerce websites are not truly the norm. So many of them have been sprouting up on the internet that it becomes difficult to differentiate one from another. There are however some web developers and web design companies that are not really doing a good job with their ecommerce website. CodePlateau Technology Solutions is the preferred choice of ecommerce web development service provider in Pune. It has a tonne of experience designing and developing a large number of first class ecommerce website. With their substantial amount of expertise in the field as web design and web development agency they have listed out some common mistakes that need to be avoided when best ecommerce websites design and development.

List Of UI-UX Errors to Avoid While Designing Ecommerce Websites:

Complex Navigation System:

The best e-commerce websites are not the ones with the best products. The best ecommerce websites are the ones which make the best products easy to find. If the architecture of the website is not up to mark and the navigation on the website is unnecessarily cluttered it will definitely lead to a bad user experience. The simpler the layout the easier the navigation and the better the site will be.

Proper Product Focus:

The primary aim of any e-commerce website is to sell the products displayed on it. If the user experience of the visitor is not primarily focused on him finding the products then your e-commerce website has been designed pretty poorly. CodePlateau, Pune’s No. 1 ecommerce website development company has built several websites for their customers that have vastly improved the sales figures. The ROI on these websites have been astounding. One element to surely take notice of it the way the product is displayed and found.

Complicated Checkout Process:

If your checkout process involves more than 3 steps chances are the customer is going to drop the purchase and leave. You can actually find out the customer information journey if you have tagged your e-commerce website with Google Analytics. Try to make the checkout process as simple as possible. CodePlateau’s ecommerce website designing came in quite handy for one of its clients when they improved only the checkout process and saw an incremental gain of almost 70% in the first month itself.

Confusing Content with Call To Actions:

If you want your customer to visit your website and make a purchase you need to show them what to do. Do not confuse content with Calls To Action. A Call to Action button is to be separate. The best ecommerce websites designed by CodePlateau provide an intuitive feeling to the buyers about where they need to go to complete their shopping experience. Each website should try and achieve that sort of intuitiveness. The website should be designed in such a way that it becomes abundantly clear to the buyer what needs to be done. Do not confuse content with call to action. Sure your blog post might mention somewhere that the customer needs to buy this product for the holidays, but without a proper call-to-action this message will fall on deaf ears.


Best Ecommerce Websites Design

Partner with CodePlateau as they truly become a extension of your business. They will carefully understand your business needs before working on a fool-proof plan. Implementing it to provide you with a E-Commerce website that works best for your business. Clean interface, logical url structure and a simple checkout process that is sure to increase your return on investment. CodePlateau is one of the leading E-Commerce Website Development Agencies in Pune. They have several years of experience under their belt working with national and international clients. Call today for a free consultation.



What Every ECommerce Website Needs To Have – Part 2

E-Commerce Website Development is not an easy task. There are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration while building a ecommerce website. In our previous blog we talked about the structural factors that you need to consider while developing an ecommerce website. In this blog post we will be looking into the technical aspects of an ecommerce website development process that you need to pay attention to. CodePlateau the best ecommerce website development team from Pune has built several E-Commerce website for its clients and this checklist is a culmination of all those years of expertise.

Checklist for new E-Commerce Websites

Check Webmaster Analytics:

If you haven’t done so already, sign up for a Webmaster Account and verify your website on it. The Google Search Console is a new method of tracking the details of your website. It provides several suggestions, warnings and information about other issues that your site might be facing.  Pay close attention to the errors mentioned on the Webmaster Tools because it could impact how your site is placed in SERPs. Although Google claims that it does not penalize websites with 404 errors it does mention that it could lead to bad user experience which could lower your search engine rankings. Also, we will never know when Google might publish an update that penalizes sites for having broken links, and 404 errors. Work on this problem daily so as to not accumulate a lot of problems in the future that might become too much to handle.

Have A Sitemap during ECommerce Website Development:

You will need a good sitemap for your e-commerce website. Sitemaps come in two forms, XML and HTML. A xml sitemap is designed specifically for Google crawlers to ensure that they are able to see all the pages present on your website. A HTML sitemap helps the user browse the content on the site from a single page. If you intend on building a very large website it makes sense to split your xml sitemaps into several categories. Keep the static pages in one set and the constantly changing pages in another. That way the bots know where to look when a page has been altered and indexes it faster.

Hire Robots:

Just Kidding. But make sure to upload a robots.txt file to your ecommerce website. A robots.txt file acts like a gateway to your website. Think of it like a bouncer outside of a busy nightclub. The Robots.txt file decides who gets to enter the club. Not only does it control who can visit the website and who cannot, but it can also restrict bots from visiting certain sections of the website that you don’t want the bots to go to. Add “disallow” directives to the Robots.txt file to indicate that these pages should not be crawled, and then upload that file to your server.

Be Responsive:

Not you, your website. It needs to be responsive. With the variety of different phone sizes,  screen sizes, not to mention the number of tablets, phablets available in the market it becomes imperative to have develop a ecommerce website with a responsive design. A responsive design enables the elements on your website to change size and shape based on the size of the screen that the web page is being viewed from. Not having to scroll left or right to see the entire product is a godsend to the customers and it adds a lot of clout to the user experience.

Even if you have an app for your website you should still enable website responsiveness on your website. There will be several customers who have not downloaded the app and would prefer to use the mobile version of your e-commerce website development.

Stellar Checkout and Payment:

You have to make sure to get the checkout system from your e-commerce website to be as simple as possible. It has to be designed so that the user can use it intuitively. Don’t make the payment system too complex either. The faster they clear the checkout the more they will appreciate the site and use it to shop more.

What Every E-Commerce Website Needs To Have – Part 1

E-Commerce Websites are popping up across the country far and wide. With so many E-Commerce website being developed the quality of the final product seems to be going down. People are taking up more and more projects without really understanding the fundamentals required to develop a E-Commerce Website.

If you are in the market for an ecommerce website then CodePlateau, India’s premier website development company based in Pune can definitely help. We have put down a checklist that your web development team needs to follow while building an ecommerce website.

Checklist for new E-Commerce Website

Site Architecture:

Even before building the site, the site architecture needs to be mapped. What goes where, what products will you list under what heading. This is important for a lot of reasons. One of the many reasons this is vital is because your architecture will define your URL structure. Website URLs need to be simple and easy to understand. You need to try and be consistent in your URLs structures and lay them in a logical manner.

Your URLs need to also be name properly. This is what a typical URL structure should look like for your ecommerce website: company> category>product>types. This is just a basic understanding to give you an idea. The larger the site the more complicated the URLs will get and that why the site architecture is very important.

Always remember to keep an opening to add more products or services. 

Navigation Assistance:

Breadcrumb Navigation is a great way to help your site visitors to find what they are looking for. Some site can have a lot of categories or product types. The user should be able to easily navigate between the different layers of your website with a single click. Not having to restart the entire search from scratch is a huge bonus for the customer.

Image Optimization:

When building E-Commerce websites it becomes very important to build first for the customer and then for the Google bots. Customer  like to see various images of the products before they buy them. Our minds are stimulated much more easily with visual stimuli than text. Unfortunately Google bots don’t see the images like we do. For them a space occupied by images is just a blank space. That is unless they have been properly optimized. ALT Tags are used to inform Google what the image is about. Use Alt Attributes for all images. Don’t try to trick Google. Describe exactly what’s in the picture, but be smart about it.

Social Media Integration:

If you want your website to be really popular Social Media Integration is an absolute must. Having social icons on your website gives your customers the opportunity to follow your brand on all the socials. It also provides an impetus to the customers to share their wish list, shopping list or other items on their own socials. If you have any influencers following your brand, their one post could decide the fate of your site.

Social Media will also give you other SEO benefits. Increasing the websites popularity even if it is through social media will be a good signal to Google. It will definitely help give you a boost in your search engine rankings.

We will continue the checklist in part two of this blog. These tips have been all about the surface changes that you need to make to ensure your E-Commerce websites success. In the next blog we will be looking into the technical aspects of the website that needs to be taken care of. CodePlateau is one of the premier ecommerce website developers in Pune.  Their expert ecommerce website development team Pune has worked with several national and international companies on their ecommerce website giving them an opportunity to learn from their mistakes till they’ve perfected their art.