Have you loved the web browsing experience of a website only to have ti ruined when you visit it on a mobile device? We feel your pain. The reason for this, a clear lack of responsive web design from the company. As people spend more time on smaller devices it is imperative for businesses to incorporate responsive web designing in all their web properties. CodePlateau is one of the top web design and development companies in Pune that has perfected the art of responsive web design.
What Is Responsive Web Design?
Websites that have a responsive design will adapt to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. Irrespective of the device being used. If the user is visiting your websites on a cell phone, all the containers of the websites automatically change sizes based on the screen size. This provides the user with a great user experience. No more need for continuous scrolling left or right to read the content.
Importance Of Responsive Web Design: Reasons
Rise In Mobile Usage:
Studies show people in India and all over the world are using smaller screens. With digital content consumption moving over to the small screen it is important to have a website that is responsive. Since 2016, the use of cell phones was more than desktops for the first time ever. Even in India, mobile penetration is at the highest level. This is due to the availability of cheap data plans, affordable smartphones and the rollout of faster internet speeds on 4G technologies. The more widespread the use of cell phones the higher the chances that people will be looking at your web properties through smaller lenses. Are you preparing for business on cell phones?
SEO Advantage:
Google has been giving signals to web developers and businesses for a while now that they plan to put mobile websites as the primary source. They have not put this into action yet but it will be doing so any time now. Google has already admitted however that being well optimized on the mobile phone is part of their ranking factors. If they push the update to go mobile first it is an upgrade to an already existing algorithm.
Better User Experience:
Having a responsive web design also provide the user with a better experience. Your audience will spend more time on your web properties if they like what they see. Providing them with the flexibility to properly view your web properties on mobile will be hugely beneficial. Whether you’re viewing a website on your smartphone or a laptop, it will be unified and easy to navigate despite the differing screen sizes.
Easier Web Maintenance:
Considering you have a responsive website you only have one web property to look after. Having a responsive website means you do not need a separate mobile application and you can make do with just the responsive website to provide the user with the necessary information. This can be not only quicker but in the long run, it will be cheaper as well.
If this does not convince you to switch over to responsive web design than nothing might. If you are looking to convert your website to a responsive one, or build a new website, get in touch with us today. CodePlateau is one of the best web design and development agencies in Pune. We have worked with several international brands to provide their audience with a smooth user experience through the use of our responsive web design websites. If you would like to see our work, all you have to do is visit our website. We have our web design portfolio proudly on display for all to see. Get in touch with the best web design agency in Pune today.
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