What Are Push Notifications?
If you have ever used a mobile app then chances are you will at some point have received a push notification. So what exactly is a Push Notification? A push notification is a message that will appear on your phone screen. Even if you are not using the application or even your phone, app publishers have the opportunity to send you notifications that tell you to perform certain actions through the app. Ask your mobile app development agency in Pune for the best push notification system.
Push Notifications are available on all mobile platforms such as iOs and Android.
Developers looking to create push notifications will have to have a minimum SDK v1.1.16 for Android and SDK v 2.3.17 on iOS for most push notification services.
How Push Notifications Work
Push notifications are tiny snippets of texts that you can send from your notification service application to your users. You can either send automated push notifications at regular intervals or provide custom push notifications each time.
Push notifications do not include images or hyperlinks; they’re just plain text so you have to very creative and concise with your audience with what you want them to do. A clear call to action is very important for almost all push notifications (except if you’re only providing news)
Why Push Notifications Are Important For Businesses?
Push Notifications are important to the mobile app developers for several reasons.
- It is a quick was to speak directly to your app user. If notifications are active then app users will definitely receive push notifications as they do not get stuck in filters or spam boxes.
- It can help drive sales by providing the user with a specific action to perform
- It can help improve the app usage statistics which can help companies increase their profits and ad revenue
- They can be used as a cross-selling platform by providing users with links to other social properties of the business
- It helps improve the customer experience
- Click through rates of push notifications are higher than those of emails so it improves engagement
Most Android-based applications ask their users for their location details permissions. This help businesses provide significantly better push notifications to their customers. Combined with behavioral data that the app can collect during usage and location data that the app requires, businesses can run more targeted applications to their customers to drive more sales.
What Should Be Your Push Notification Strategy?
If you using the services of a mobile app development company in Pune you can always check with them if they can build an independent push notification service for you as well. This could be slightly more expensive, but you could have a great product and have total control over it. You should note however that there are several companies in India that already provide push notification services. You can always sign up with one of them for your push notification services.
Regarding the push notification strategy for your customers, you have to find the right balance between too much and too little. If you send push notification messages too frequently then the user might feel annoyed and might disable notifications from your app and this may lead to a loss of messaging channel for you. Use too few and you may not be utilizing the full capabilities of your app.
You will need to study the behavioral data of your app users to find out what the right amount is.
CodePlateau is one of the top mobile app development agencies in Pune. They have been working with several prominent clients to develop their Android and iOS mobile applications. They also help to develop a strategic push notification plan. If you are in the market for a mobile app, get in touch with the best mobile app development agency in Pune. Call us for a free quote today.
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