If you are in the business of building web applications for your clients or businesses you might have flirted with the idea of using several different types of PHP frameworks. CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, and Phalcon are some of the most popular PHP Frameworks but there is one that goes above and beyond these tools and one that is our favorite here at CodePlateau and that is the Laravel PHP Framework. But what makes the Laravel PHP framework better and different from all the others? Let’s take a closer look.
Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework For 2019
1) Object Oriented Libraries
One of the reasons Laravel is as popular as it is (more than 1 million sites use Laravel, and it currently has more than 51,192 stars on GitHub) that it has Object Oriented libraries and plenty of pre-installed ones. Surprisingly none of these libraries are part of any other major PHP frameworks. It’s easy implementation and advanced features has made it a success across the world and you have access to tools like password reset, CSRF protection, encryption as well as authentication.
2) Authentication Techniques
As discussed above Laravel provides several object-oriented libraries of which authentication is a major item. It provides a very simple and straightforward method of implementing authentication techniques across platforms. Even the control access to resources as well as the manner in which authorization logic is organized is very simply configured which makes Laravel one of the easiest frameworks to adopt.
3) Security
One of the biggest concerns businesses has, especially those that work directly with customers, is the threat of data security. Even companies like Facebook have come under the scanner for leaking their user’s data. Laravel takes a unique look at security and provides a really clever response. Security is covered within the framework itself. Instead of saving passwords in the plain text they use salted and hashed passwords. It avoids injection attacks by avoiding user injection of <script> tags. Overall it’s one of the safest PHP frameworks to work within 2019.
4) Artisan
Apart from the business reasons many companies choose to work with Laravel, there are plenty of development reasons that developers have chosen Laravel as the best PHP framework in 2019. Laravel provides an in-built command line tool called Artisan, which allows programmers to avoid tedious, repetitive tasks and rather focus on the tougher parts of the build.
5) Database Migrations
Change is the only constant, in life and in programming. Sometimes 1000’s of lines of code will need to be updated due to a feature change, or you’ll have found a better way to manage the database, the reasons could be anything. Database migrations with Laravel is extremely easy. As long as your changes are carefully managed in migrations and seeds you can migrate changes into any other development machine you might have. If you’re looking to make your developers life easier you should definitely consider Laravel as your PHP development framework in 2019.
6) Tutorials
Assuming you’re new to Laravel & haven’t had the chance to explore it as much as your peers, you don’t need to worry. There are plenty of tutorials available on YouTube, however, Laravel offers its own tutorial service (which no other platform does), Laracast, which provides excellent, high-quality, insightful, videos that give you everything you’d like to know in one place. While the tutorials are not entirely free you do have plenty of free videos available on Laracast which should help you more than cover the basics. It’s only the advanced tutorials that you need to pay for.
Your developers will surely thank you for picking the Laravel PHP framework and if the decision was left upto them, that’s what they would pick 9/10 times. At CodePlateau we have a team of highly skilled programmers who are experts in Laravel and Web Application development. If you ever have any requirements for web design and web development, do get in touch.
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