WordPress Update was just released last month and we haven’t really discussed it yet. We have been going over the list of improvements it has published and we must say that we are delighted. The list of changes is long and was very necessary in my opinion so it is good to see these changes in WordPress. Since we do a lot of our Web Design and Web Development work on WordPress we were delighted to see the changes. The WordPress 4.9 update is called Tipton. WordPress normally names is updates based on famous Jazz musicians. This update is called Tipton in honour of Jazz musician, William Tipton.
Here are all the changes that have gone into update 4.9 “Tipton” of WordPress.
Sharing and Scheduling Draft Customization:
As a business if you want to know what a change to your websites layout would look like they would first have to be published. You would need to go to the live website to see what the changes really looked like. With the new updates, these customization can now be shared with the business owners. You can see how the customizations will affect your entire website and without having to publish them. This is of great advantage to web development professionals like our team at CodePlateau.
If you are coming out with some new product line the web pages designed can be schedule so that they go live just when you need them to. As a web design and development agency in Pune it saves us a lot of trouble of seeking approvals and having to redo minor fixes if the client is not happy with our design themes or is looking for something different. You can see the changes and approve them on the spot.
Work Protection:
As a web designing agency we take great pride in our work. We feel really annoyed when all our work in changed either by an error or by someone unknowingly working on something that has already been completed. The new update to WordPress allows us to protect or work with a security feature. If anyone is looking to make changes they will have to request permission from the person who has locked the project saving a lot of rework and back tracking.
Code Error Highlighter:
Even the best web developers can make mistakes sometimes. So when you spend hours working on a project only to find out that it isn’t working make you want to tear your hair out. What’s great about the new update is that they have installed a CodeMirror syntax checking editor which helps you find where you have gone wrong. It makes it that much easier to fix your errors and have your site up and running smoothly sooner than expected. It also includes other features such as Syntax highlighting and an autocomplete feature.
Widget Improvements:
Update 4.9 has gone a long way to improve on the widgets in WordPress. You now have a lot more flexibility when it comes to designing and placing your widgets on the final website. You now have more access to WordPress Widget Web development. This is big step forward from the widget functionality that was provided in WordPress 4.8.
Safety Aspects of WordPress Update 4.9:
WordPress has a lot of theme designers and plug-in designers that work constantly to improving the features of their plug-ins. WordPress has stressed on the safety aspects of websites being built on their site. They have added several prompts to website owners to update their themes and plug-ins. They also provide additional safety messages to ensure that you do not lose your work in the process.
CodePlateau loves working on WordPress. We have developed some really exciting websites on this platform alone. It gives us a lot of pleasure that these new features make it easier for us to do our job. If you would like to avail of our WordPress web design and development services in Pune, get in touch with us. We even provide a free consultation and it could be the first step in a fruitful relationship. So pick up the phone and let’s get talking.
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