React Multiple Select – Metronic Theme and React Hooks

This article introduces the React Multiple Select using React Hooks.

I have vendors in various cities who are providing service to their customers. The situation is I need to assign societies to vendors as per their preference. A vendor may provide service to multiple societies in an area.

For this, I used Metronic theme and React hooks – useEffect.

There is a list of vendors and now I want to assign societies to a particular vendor.

To do so I redirected to details of the vendor.

First, select a city, then an area and then I want a filtered list of societies from that area of the city.


React Multiple Select - Metronic Theme and React Hooks

Step 1 :
Fetched a list of cities using async-await with useEffect hook.

/* Get list of all Cities */

const apiUrl = API_ENDPOINT + “city_list/”;

useEffect(() => {

const fetchData = async () => {

const result = await axios(apiUrl).then(response =>

.then((data) => {


let count = Object.keys(;





}, []);

/* End Get list of all Cities */


Step 2 :

Fetched a list of areas from the selected city using async-await with useEffect as —>

/* Get area list by City */

const apiUrlArea = API_ENDPOINT + “area_list/”;

useEffect(() => {

let postAreaData=”;

if(formdata.city_id && formdata.city_id !==”){

postAreaData = {city_id:formdata.city_id}

const fetchData = async () => {

const result = await,postAreaData).then(response =>

.then((data) => {







/* End Get area list by City */


Here formdata contains details of the vendor to edit.


This code will get executed as we change City and we are able to get a list of all areas from the selected city.


Step 3 :

Now I have a city and area , I can get a list of all societies in that area.

/* Get Societies by City & Area */

const apiUrlGetSociety = API_ENDPOINT + “society_list”;

useEffect(() => {

let postCityAreaData = {




const temp_slist = [];

if(formdata.area_id && formdata.area_id!== ” && formdata.city_id && formdata.city_id!== ” ){

const fetchData = async () => {

const result = await,postCityAreaData).then(response =>

.then((data) => { => {

const obj_temp = {‘id’, ‘name’};















/* End Get Societies of Area */


Here I get a list of societies as an array of object – {id,name}


let  allSocieties = [ {“id”: 6,”name”: “Abhiruchi”}, {“id”: 2,”name”: “Sahara Society”}, {“id”: 3,”name”: “Satyam Society”},]

Now we have a filtered list of societies with respect to the area from the city.

Step 4 :

To show listing on form I used form-components from Metronics.

( )


The Select component can handle multiple selections. It’s enabled with multiple property.

<FormControl className='form-control'>



name = “societies”

id = “societies”

value = { selectedSocieties }

onChange = { handleChange_multiple }

input = { <Input id=”select-multiple-chip” /> }

renderValue = { selected => (

<div className = {classes.chips}>

{ s => {

const chipname = allSocieties.find(soc => === s);

return (chipname

?   <Chip






: ”)






{ => (





<Checkbox checked={selectedSocieties.includes( } />

<ListItemText primary={} />






In the above select component, we have passed selectedSocieties to value attribute.
selectedSocieties is an array of ids of societies which are already assigned to vendor.
I can get list of assigned societies to vendor as –>


useEffect(() => {



if( && !== ” && !== ‘undefined’ ){ => {

const obj = {‘id’, ‘name’};






}, []);

react multiple selection

After selecting one/more societies, handleChange_multiple event bind selected societies data to selectedSocieties . See the following code:


const handleChange_multiple = event =>{


let newitems = => typeof t !== ‘number’);

let changed = newitems[0].id;

let cleanthis = => typeof t === ‘number’);

newitems.forEach(i => cleanthis.push(;

const newSelectedItems = selectedSocieties.includes(changed)

? selectedSocieties.filter(v => v !== changed)

: […selectedSocieties, changed];





In the example given in Metronic , handleChange event deals with an array of the name only. In above we are dealing with an array of objects.
In the above code, in handleChange_multiple event, we get newly selected items as an object – newitems {id,name}. Then extract id from it and saved to changed. 

Now I can check with changed whether it exist in  selectedSocieties.


const newSelectedItems = selectedSocieties.includes(changed)

? selectedSocieties.filter(v => v !== changed)

: […selectedSocieties, changed];



In above article , we learned how to use multiple select in combination with array of objects and obtain required results.



React JS Environment Setup and Component Creation

This article introduces the environment setup and how to create React component.

Overview of React JS

React is a JavaScript library for building interactive User Interfaces (UI’s) & it’s developed by Facebook in 2011. It follows the component-based approach which helps in building complex and reusable UI components.

Environment Setup
Tools required for ReactJS environment
1. Node.js
2. Visual Studio Code(Editor) / you can use any editor

Steps to Setup ReactJS Environment

To run the React application, NodeJS should be installed on our PC.
Then follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install NodeJS. You need to visit the official download link of NodeJS to download and install the latest version. Once we have set up NodeJS on our PC, the next thing we need to do is to set up React Boilerplate.

Step 2: Create a directory for React.js App:
using command –
mkdir ReactWorkspace


Step 3: Go to newly created ReactWorkspace directory location using command – see screenshot:

cd ReactWorkspace

Step 4: Setting up React Boilerplate.

We will install the boilerplate globally.

npm install –g create-react-app

Create a React Boilerplate using the above command – see screenshot.

-g represents the global installation type.

Step 5: After successfully installing a global react environment. Create react demo app using the following command:

create-react-app demoapp

The above statement will create a new directory named demoapp inside your current directory with a bunch of files needed to successfully run a React app.

Let’s have the look at the directory created by the above command:

In the following directory, you will see a number of files. The main files we will be working on within the basic course are index.html and index.js. The index.html file will have a div element with id = “root”, inside which everything will be rendered and all of our React code will be inside the index.js file.

Now, that we have successfully set up the development environment for React Js.

The last thing is to start the development server.


Step 6: To start the development server, go inside your current directory “demoapp” and execute the below command:

npm start

After successfully running the above command your compiler will show the below message on your screen:

And after starting our first React application, we will see the default screen on the browser.

Component creation in React Js:

            Components are the reusable peace of code for building blocks of any React application. It’s like JavaScript functions. They accept arbitrary inputs (called “props”) and return React elements describing what should display on the screen.

We have seen the default structure of the ReactJS application in step 5 second screenshot.

Create a new component file in /src folder-
I have created Welcome.js and add component code in that file-

import React from 'react';
class Welcome extends React.Component {
render() {
return (

Welcome to React Js

export default Welcome;

see the following screenshot:

And we need to add our newly created Welcome.js file into index.js to see it on the browser screen:

Now we can see the output on browser screen:

In the above article, we learned how to setup React JS Environment and create simple components.

Process of Understanding and Adapting to React Js

When I got to know that our company will be focusing on new technologies, I was excited and nervous at the same time. JavaScript is the language that is currently trending, so it was an obvious preference. We were using JavaScript but only in limited projects that are making the pages dynamic. There are many frameworks built-in JavaScript for both frontend and backend. Initially, it was finalized API will be built in Nodejs as it is widely used and very easy to understand and as it is widely used it is easy to develop and debug code. I found some useful tutorials for Express Js (Node Js framework) and it felt very easy to understand as we had experience in Laravel Framework (PHP framework). API for me was a straightforward task but the real fun began when we started with the frontend part. Initially, it was finalized to go with AngularJs (framework) as it is a widely used JavaScript framework but it was not straightforward to understand and many people had issues adapting the angular Js. And then we were introduced to React Js (we got tutorials from an expert as well).

So, after working on React Js for the last 4 months, I will put forward the blockers we had and also the interesting bits of React Js. many people confuse it as an Alternative framework to AngularJs but it is not. It is an open-source Library created and managed by Facebook. React Js can be integrated with any framework as it is the V of MVC that is, it just renders the code in the browser with the help of JSX. So, let’s start with the Advantage we felt of the React Js.

1) Easy to Use

Documentation is the key to any framework/library and the documentation for reacting is maintained very well and it’s easy to understand and move forward with. There are also many courses and tutorials available online which helps further.

2) Reusable Components

Components are used for managing the Html code which will be further rendered in the browser. A component has its own set of control and logic. Components can be nested with each other that further helps for reusability.

3) Virtual Dom

React Js uses a virtual DOM-based mechanism to fill data in HTML DOM. The virtual DOM works fast as it only changes individual DOM elements instead of reloading complete DOM every time

4) Benefit of JavaScript Library

React Js is used by most of the Developers thanks to its flexible nature, there are no specific parameters. Developers get a free license to manage the code as per their feasibility

Now every coin has two sides and React Js is no different. Adapting to React Js was not a tricky task but there were some blockers that we can consider as a disadvantage. The following are the Disadvantages listed below.

1) JSX is a barrier

React Js uses JSX which has a syntax similar to Html, but therein lies the problem. Any developer who has used Html finds it hard to adapt to the JSX due to its complexity.

2) V of MVC

React Js cannot be used as a stand-alone platform as it is wholly dependent on the other technology to manage the data. They are only the UI layers of the app and nothing else.

3) Hard to Adapt the Pace of its Development

React Js introduced hooks which help in reducing code Complexity and Reusability but for a newbie, it becomes hard to debug the code as all the previous code is not built around hooks. So in general developers have to always adapt to the changes being done in the library.

4) Documentation can be Maintained Better

As I mentioned above React Js is a very rapidly growing library but if we look at the documentation it does not provide adequate information on the new things introduced and the developers are left with trial and error for adapting to new things.

5) Not SEO Friendly

There are tools available to Render our Meta tags on the page but unfortunately, Facebook does not crawl through them and we are left with managing the Tags with some other Platform for the Particular Page.

Overall if we consider, React Js is the Present and the Future of JavaScript web development. It has its sets of Pros and Cons but to be honest it makes the process of Dynamic web development fun and easy thanks to its flexibility.

Updates of AMP in 2019

Since 2016 Google has been giving businesses an opportunity to focus on their websites mobile experience. The release of Accelerated Mobile Pages was a clear indicator of how Google was trying to prioritize the mobile-first approach. If you do have an online business are not optimizing your website for a faster, smoother, & richer mobile experience, then you’re definitely setting yourself up for failure. In this blog, we will be looking at the evolution of AMP & its current state of progress at the moment.

The Evolution Of AMP

As I’ve mentioned before AMP was launched during 2016. It was an open-source project by Google which combined the development efforts of millions of people to ensure faster delivery of data on mobile pages. What AMP does is, it removes all the “unnecessary” clutter that might be delaying the loading of the pages. From what you can see, you’ll notice AMP pages will be without too many images, they’ll have a simple font. Under the hood, the CSS will be optimized for faster delivery of data, HTML and JS code will be delivered as a first in first out basis.

History Of AMP

Since releasing in 2016 AMP have been the talk of the town among Digital Marketers all around the world. Digital Marketing professionals and tech enthusiasts are both looking at AMP pages from the perspective of gains. While marketing professionals see it as another method of lead gen through articles, the IT dept is looking for ways to go even faster. But lead forms were not always available and have only been recently introduced leading to a spike in the popularity of AMP pages, ensuring 900,000 businesses online are currently using AMP for some if not all their pages.

While AMP pages were initially built to deliver news faster, companies have adopted it to suit their requirements for a variety of different pages. Brands are focused on AMP developments for their product pages as they’ve seen a significant bump if buy-ins from the customer based on faster data delivery. Especially e-commerce players who say an increase of up to 20% in their sales figures as compared to companies that did not use AMP.

All AMP Updates of 2019

In the first quarter of 2019, some interesting updates were released by the AMP team. Let’s look at some of the most interesting one’s below:

1. Video Optimization on AMP

One of the most important updates to AMP in 2019 has been the video optimization efforts that have been taken. As a digital marketing company in Pune helping small business access the gains of AMP, we know the importance of video in a marketing strategy. Three new updates have been made,
i. Videos can now be docked so that the user can continue to scroll as they are reading their content
ii. You can now install a video player that has AMP video interface features you might need as a business
iii. You can use the AMP video optimization to run ads and keep a track of them on your website

These three features have really come as a blessing to video marketers, especially who were recently seeing a decline in watch times across the internet.

2. Input Masking

Lead gen on AMP pages is just in a nascent stage but it is still an extremely necessary step that needed to be taken. One large step forward for AMP lead gen pages is that you can now customize what you form should look like to a large degree.

3. Smoother List Scrolling

Since the internet is filled with the list, & one of the most common actions users take on their phone is to scroll, AMP has now enabled smoother scrolling options while the page is in development. You can set the grid and, resize the containers to provide the best experience to the users.


Very few businesses in India are taking advantage of AMP pages as there are not too many digital marketing companies in Pune that are technically capable of providing that solution. If you want to know what CodePlateau can do for your business, get in touch with us today!

Transformation of Web Development with AI

From the growing number of self-checkout cash registers to advanced security checks at the airport; artificial intelligence is just about everywhere. AI is beginning to embed itself into all aspects of our lives. But how can we use artificial intelligence in Web Development?

Artificial Intelligence combines a number of goals like problem-solving, reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, machine learning, natural language processing, motion and manipulation, perception, social intelligence, creativity, and general intelligence. AI has impacted the web development field as well. Things like web design, design images, content development, search engine, product suggestions, etc. can be automated with the help of AI.

Self-Learning Algorithms

Artificial intelligence can be applied to web programming as well. The AI algorithms can be used to develop codes, which modify and alter from scratch and transform into a fully functional code, without the need for any manual interference. A number of tasks, such as adding, updating database records, as well as identifying the code snippets that would help solve a problem are some of the points where artificial intelligence can be applied. Web developers can make use of these predictions to formulate a perfect solution. This helps developers to build smarter apps and bots at a much faster rate than before.

Artificial intelligence can be applied to web programming as well, the AI algorithms can be used to develop codes, which modify and alter from scratch and transform into a fully functional code, without the need for any manual interference. A number of tasks, such as adding, updating database records, as well as identifying the code snippets that would help solve a problem are some of the points where artificial intelligence can be applied. Web developers can make use of these predictions to formulate a perfect solution. This helps developers to build smarter apps and bots at a much faster rate than before.

Artificial Intelligence in Web Design & Web Development

Web design is an important area, where the creative skills and the conversion optimization knowledge of the web designer can help build a high-performing website. The latest development in HTML based website development has been the integration of AI-based algorithms. In fact, working on AI-enabled platforms has made it easier for web developers to take decisions related to design, layout, brand imaging, and content. The real-time suggestion based on analysis of existing similar websites helps companies to create a better web interface, which can reach target clients efficiently. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are constantly helping in delivering better user experience and product/service presentation to quality analysis, security strengthening, coding etc. Using AI solutions, you can adapt your website better to the user’s needs. Real-time learning technology evaluates customers mood and understands their preferences. According to the information received, this technology allows to dynamically modify website per each customer.

Some Other Uses of AI in Web Development

Image Search
The AI has been implemented by Google in the image search as well to detect labels of the image, detect explicit content, detect landmarks, detect faces, and various other such features. Apart from this, Google has also undertaken research projects to design images with the help of AI.

Personalized Search Results
Amazon is one of the best websites that make use of AI in it. Based on the search results, it provides you with an appropriate combination of the products. These help you to find the similar products and related products to help you decide the best product to buy within your budget. It impacts user behavior and helps makes them return again. It also keeps a track of your browsing history and recommends suggestions based on the same. This in turn also enhances its revenue with the increase in sales.

Chat Bots
Chatbots made the communication process more natural. Based on Artificial Intelligence, they soon will learn how to recognize human emotions. More and more online buyers will find it easier to interact with a website via a Chatbot. This option will remove all communication barriers and make the shopping process even more easy and pleasant.

Effective Marketing
Artificial intelligence marketing solutions truly understand the world in the same way a human would. This means that the platforms can identify insightful concepts and themes across huge data sets, incredibly fast. AI solutions also interpret emotion and communication like a human, which makes these platforms able to understand open form content like social media, natural language, and email responses.

Does this all sound too good to be true?
Researchers predict that by as soon as 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human. That’s only two years and some change away.

Web Development Trends to Follow In 2019

We’ve already stressed enough how important a website can be for your business. Meeting your business goals, reaching out to potential new customers and all the other benefits that come with a well-developed website. Web development companies always have to stay updated with the latest web development trends that take precedent each year. Today we’ll be looking at the top web development trends for 2019.

Continue reading

7 Tips To Get Started With AMP Stories For Your Business

We’ve all witnessed the boom of Snapchat stories. So much so that other popular social media applications were soon seen mimicking the feature. Although Snapchat was the first to introduce the feature to people and popularize it, it is actually Instagram that brings in the most users to the stories features. Now we’ve seen a lot of other applications try and attempt the stories feature to varying amounts of success such as Facebook which has seen the most disappointing turnout. Now the latest company to jump on the bandwagon is Google introducing the AMP stories.

As per Google AMP stories are an immersive visual content format that is fast and open, built specially for the users.

What Are AMP Stories?

It’s a feature built by Google similar to Instagram stories that help content creators build short-term, visual content for their viewers. However, unlike stories features in other apps, Google AMP stories will be featured in Google’s search results.

If you take into consideration that more than 75% of all user time is spent on their mobile phone you can clearly see why Google is pushing for mobile first content.  Since the whole concept of AMP was to push mobile first AMP will display an array of search results in the form of swipeable feeds. You can swipe right or left depending on whether you liked the story and would like to see more sources for the same information.

AMP stories also make it easier to share the information you’ve just received at lightning speeds. Google is hoping to capitalize on the format and draw users who are more accustomed to using other apps.

What Are The Components That Make AMP Stories?

Unlike traditional AMP content, you don’t have to rely merely on text anymore. You can include graphics, animation, videos and more. This is highly beneficial for content creators. AMP stories are made of 3 main components that you need to absolutely master if you want to rule the search engine game.

–    The story itself

–    The story page

–    The story grid layer

The story is the main content itself while the story page is the location when your content is based on. The grid layer contains all the elements that make up the page and the story.

So you must now be wondering how to get started with AMP stories?


7 Steps To Use AMP Stories On Your Website

  1. Code The Page

Now I’d like to say it’s easy for all companies to get started with posting AMP stories on their web pages but it isn’t as simple as that. Before you begin you need to code the regular pages of your website to AMP pages.  Use the following canonical tag on the original story

<link rel=”amphtml” href=””>

If you want the entire AMP code set you can download it from the following link:

Add the code to your WordPress page like you would for any other plug-in and you’re done with the first difficult step. In our opinion having a professional web design and development company in Pune to help you setup AMP pages will save you from a lot of future problems. You wouldn’t want the data on your website to suddenly disappear, do you?

  1. Run A Sample

Before you get started with the main content you need to check if all your settings are in order. Running a test project goes a long way to check this. For this, you’ll need a test server.

To be on the safer side of things you should use a secure layer with the test server to protect yourself from any data breaches. Once your local server has been set up, try using the link https://localhost:8000/article.html

Check the layout the design and if everything looks spot on you can move on to step number 3

  1. Create Cover Photos

Your stories can have multiple components but one single cover page. This cover photo should ideally represent what lies within the stories. To create a cover page, assign a unique ID for your cover to the first page:

<amp-story standalone>

<amp-story-page id=”cover”>



If you’ve worked with Photoshop at any point in your career you’ll know that cover photos need to be built using layers with each one built on top of the other.

The first layer will have <amp-story-grid-layer> element in the <amp-story-page>

There will be other attributes that you need to use to ensure conformity such as “fill”, “responsive”. Here is an example of what an ideal code will look like as provided by the AMP tutorials

<amp-story-page id=”cover”>

<amp-story-grid-layer template=”fill”>

<amp-img src=”cover.jpg”>

Width=”xx”, height=”xx”





You can use multiple layers by adding the “vertical template” rather than the “fill template” as mentioned above.

  1. Additional Pages

Once you cover page is set up you can start to add other pages to your AMP stories.  You can find the code you will need to enter (based on which template you choose to use) on the AMP site. There are several other resources available to help you better code for AMP stories.

Of course, if you think you need professional help you can always get in touch with the best web development company in Pune.

  1. Glitz it Up with Animation

There are multiple animation elements you can use on your AMP stories to get the Wow! Factor. However, unlike social media apps, you can’t just drag and drop the elements in your AMP stories. You will need to code them in. There are plenty of animation presets already available like “fade-in” “fly-in-right”, “pulse”

  1. Close Out Story

You’ll need to effectively close out your story and provide your consumers with additional links from your content or related content. This last screen is known as the “bookend”.

  1. Validate Your AMP File

Before you upload the pages you will need to validate them using the Chrome Devtools Console. Remember if AMP pages are not validated they are not considered as AMP and do not give you any advantages. There are 2 methods of validating AMP files the other being using the AMP validator browser extension.


Why Should Businesses Use AMP Stories?

The golden rule of any business is to stay ahead of the competition. AMP stories are the next big wave to give you an edge over the competition. Also, it is now known that users are more accustomed to seeing short-form visual content which can be seen by how much more popular online streaming platforms have become. Good storytelling leads to better attention-grabbing of the users.

Using Stories To Push Products:

Who says that traditional marketing metric cannot follow good storytelling guidelines? In fact, 92% of consumers surveyed by the SEO-Journal responded that they wanted their advertisement to tell a story rather than just hit them with facts.

Reducing Page Load Times

Speed is good. The faster you are able to deliver the right content to your consumers the better. They’ll be invested in the conversation and look forward to it more. This undoubtedly leads to a lower bounce rate, higher conversion rates and not to mention you’ll also receive a slight boost in rankings courtesy Google. But that’s only if you work with the right web development companies in Pune like CodePlateau who are accustomed to delivering AMP pages to their customer.

Getting More Creative

Because of the way AMP pages are built you have more opportunities to experiment with creative styles. The design is an important element when it comes to potential customers picking your product or service over the competition.

With AMP pages you can add a whole lot of features and that can add a certain oomph to your content. While you’re at it you should also push your viewers to your AMP content until they become more accustomed to it. Links, buttons to promote your AMP stories in your content won’t hurt.

Better Rankings

As I’ve mentioned before AMP pages help with search engine optimization. If your website ranks well on all parameters important to Google it’s obvious they’ll be willing to give you a push up the results.



In this fast-paced world, your competitive advantage lasts only for a few months, maybe even less depending on the rate of technological innovation. If you want to get ahead of the competition you need to try and grab every advantage you can. Getting the best web development company in Pune, CodePlateau, to help you build and design attention-grabbing AMP stories and pages for your website is the right move to make right now. If you need more information about AMP stories or need some assistance in your web development needs, get in touch with us today.

All You Need To Know About AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

Since we’re living in a world of short attention spans your consumers are looking for the fastest smoothest web browsing experience. With the advent of the smartphone more and more of the users browsing experience has moved to smartphones. Google recognized this and in 2015 made speed a ranking factor and again in December 2015 hinted at making mobile website loading speeds a ranking factor too. Web developers in Pune and around the world began experimenting with mobile-friendly versions of their website but it wasn’t good enough.
Kissmetrics data shows that pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load are more likely to be abandoned by up to 40% of the users. To battle, this problem Accelerated Mobile pages were introduced, and it was found that websites that were AMP-optimized showed a significant improvement in their rankings. In this blog, we’ll look at what AMP Pages are and how you can use CodePlateau’s world-renowned web development services to take advantage of them on your own website.

What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages?
It began when Google and Twitter joined forces to bring about a faster online experience to their users. It is an open source experience that helps design your web pages to make them faster and provide a better user experience. It’s a plugin that can help reduce your web page to the absolute essential basics to make it load quicker.

How To Optimize Your Web pages For AMP?

  • This is what most of your readers are here to find out. The solution, simple, download the AMP plugin from right within the WordPress plugins search or from the Github downloads. You will need to change a bit of code however and that’s where the excellent team of web developers from CodePlateau in Pune come in handy.
  • What we also suggest is that you create two different versions of your content pages. One can simply be a mobile-friendly version where you can have all your features and customizations while the AMP pages will be bare bones but provide a better online experience to the user. You don’t have to be worried about Google considering the pages as duplicate as they take into account the AMP version as long as your page has been validated online.
  • Use AMP URL’s to distinguish between the two.

So How Does The AMP Plugin Work?

Like we’ve mentioned before the AMP plugin strips your webpage to the absolute basic code required by smartphones to run smoothly. There are three parts to the AMP structure:

AMP pages don’t load regular Javascript, there is an AMP Javascript subset that you need to use. There are several other factors that you need to consider before using the AMP plugin on your page –

– Before you can roll out your AMP pages they need to be validated
– It is best to avoid custom fonts on your AMP pages as this may delay load time as these fonts have to be specially loaded every time
– You have to specify height and width for every image you share on your page if you want them to load correctly
– Videos need specially approved extensions to run on your AMP pages

You also need to be aware of the fact that AMP pages are built for quickness and readability. You might not even be able to enable the social sharing icons on your AMP pages as these are built using Javascript. CodePlateau’s web development team in Pune have found a workaround for this issue, get in touch with us for additional details.

5 Benefits Of Using AMP Pages For Your Website
While there are numerous benefits of using AMP pages for your website, we’ll be looking at the top 5. These are the factors that can really help enhance your site’s ranking and help you convert more sales.

1) Quicker Loading Speeds – The whole purpose of building AMP pages is to get an edge over your competition when it comes to the speed with which the content on your pages load. Users love a faster browsing experience as can be ascertained by the KissMetrics numbers.

Here are some more statistics to help convince you that you need AMP pages for your website

  • Every second your page delays in loading you are losing 9.4% of your pageviews
  • Conversion rate drops by 3.5% with every second added to your page load time
  • Bounce rate can go up by 8.3% for pages that take more than 3 seconds to load

In commercial terms, depending on your monthly traffic this could amount to a serious loss of site visitors, sales and more

2) Highlighted Results In Search – When it comes to SEO every advantage you can find is worth the time you spend getting it. Websites that rely heavily on their content for marketing were thrilled when AMP pages were introduced as it provided them with a green lightning symbol to display them as AMP pages. They also showed up higher in the search results. AMP pages have a higher click-through rate than their non-AMP counterparts.

3) Higher Listing In Search – Since speed is now one of the ranking factors on Google pages that load quicker tend to have a higher listing in search. This is especially true for AMP pages as not only do they have faster loading times as compared to non-AMP pages, they also have a better click-through rate. While Google may not necessarily be focusing on earning money using AMP pages it has helped them generate more revenue. A better user experience has led to more users pushing to use Google as their default browser. More clicks mean more money for Google.

4) Better Ad Support – Speaking of Google making money using AMP pages it has also helped content creators streamline the Ad’s on their sites. Since only custom AMP approved HTML works along with streamlined CSS code and almost no Javascript there are fewer distractions on your web page. Users can focus on the content and there is plenty of space for Ads. While you don’t want to clutter your pages with Ad’s less clutter makes it more convenient for people to click on Ad’s when they’re truly interested in them. AMP pages make the Ad’s stand out more effectively than the rest of the content on the page.

5) Simpler User Tracking – It’s not just that AMP pages provide the user with a better experience they also provide the content creator with more data to work with. Using Tag manager on their AMP pages provides Google webmasters with more information about their users. All the metrics you can find on Google Analytics are provided separately for AMP pages.

India is still in a very nascent stage when it comes to adopting AMP pages. If you want to get a head start on your competition you should start working on converting your pages to AMP as soon as possible. While setting up AMP pages on your website might seem easy there is some web development knowledge that you would need. Who better to help you out with your problem than Pune’s best Web Development company CodePlateau. If you’d like to get started on your project or need more information on the subject, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch today!

Points That A Website Developer Shouldn’t Miss Out

There is a long checklist which has to be followed as a website developer while developing a website like its functionality, internal linking, placements etc. Following the checklist is surely going to reduce the errors after delivering the website to the client. Below are some points which are essential points which should not be missed out. Website Inter Linking Every website is built up with specific idea and logic. This logic is very important and should be clear and simple enough for the easy flow of internal navigation from one web page to another. Every new topic within a specific subject on the website should have an individual subpage. Due to this, the flow of the user does not get distracted and which leads to increasing dwelling time on the website, as the user finds the relevant topic which he was looking for or interested in. Also, do not make more than 3 to 4 layers of subpage from the index page. Many internal linking within the pages may lead diversion of users as well as the crawlers. Continue reading

Does Your Website Need a Mobile Makeover?

When is the right time for your website to get a mobile makeover? As a professional web development company, here are some things we suggest you look for:

Responsive Website Design, What’s That?

For starters, a responsive website fits into any device used to access it. Smartphone users are set to touch 2.5 billion in 2019. Upgrading to responsive website design is no longer an option. Remember that your website markets your product or service 24/7. You will lose out on both loyal and new website visitors if you don’t upgrade.

“Mobile First” is a fast-growing and business-viable website design approach. Google already ranks responsive, mobile-friendly websites higher. This one factor should be enough reason for you to make the switch to responsive mobile-friendly website design.

Mobile Website Navigation Made Easy  

We have established that no website can do without a mobile makeover. Let’s consider the little but important details now. The smaller mobile screen size can cause major website navigability issues. Enhanced website design can help you counter this problem. Your mobile website would be better off with crisp, precise, prioritized content. Everything has to look accessible, organized and clean in a mobile website. A dynamic search text box, for example, is best used in a complex website mobile makeover.

Faster Customer Connect

Your website gets multiple hits every day. Why aren’t they converting into business then? It is highly probable that your website needs to be a mobile-friendly website to be visited by more people. Mobile search is used by most customers now, compared to using laptops or other devices.

Mobile customers are looking for an immediate response. Upgrading your website and optimizing it for conversions is more likely to generate a larger customer base.  The customer also forms an opinion of your website within the first ten seconds. That is where a well-designed and structured mobile website makes a difference.

Easy Website Maintenance

The mobile version of your website will always be easier to maintain. You need not update both the desktop and mobile version. A responsive website requires only one update. A mobile-friendly website is both present and future-ready. With the right approach, it is easier to engage the customer on a mobile device. The experience is more exclusive and personal here.

We have shared here only some of the many reasons as to why you must switch to a mobile-friendly website. Do let us know your views on the article.